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At Maruvan, our training program is designed to empower individuals to become experts in the field of forest restoration and conservation. We believe that the most effective way to protect and restore forests is to cultivate a community of knowledgeable and skilled practitioners who are able to adapt our methodology to their specific regions and conduct their own research.


Our training begins by providing a thorough understanding of the philosophy and science behind our approach to forest restoration. We believe that it is essential for our trainees to have a strong foundation in the principles and theories that inform our work, as this enables them to make informed decisions and to adapt our methodology to their own context.


In addition to this theoretical foundation, we also focus on developing the practical skills and knowledge needed to successfully implement our methodology in the field. This includes training in techniques such as tree planting, soil preparation, and seed collection and propagation. Our trainees learn how to assess the suitability of different species for different environments, and how to plan and execute restoration projects that are tailored to the needs of their specific region.


But our training is not just about imparting knowledge and skills – it is also about building capacity and empowering individuals to take ownership of their own learning and development. We encourage our trainees to ask questions, conduct their own research, and to think critically about the challenges and opportunities they encounter in their work.


At Maruvan, we are committed to supporting the ongoing professional development of our trainees, and we offer ongoing support and resources to help them continue to grow and succeed in their careers. We believe that by building the capacity of individuals to become leaders in the field of forest restoration, we can make a meaningful and lasting impact on the health and resilience of our forests and the communities that depend on them. So, our training program is not just about providing a one-time learning experience, but rather it is about creating a lifelong learning journey for our trainees.

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